ALSO: Intelligence
Manuals etc
| Star
The following Action Man Equipment Manuals are a valuable asset to any collector. They help establish when sets were released, what they comprise of and help piece together an understanding of the period. Each manual listed can be seen in its entirety buy clicking on the relevent link for that year. Intelligence Manuals and Star Cards and other paperwork can also be seen by using the links at the top of this page. If searching for a picture of a certain uniform, an Action Man Uniform Period Chart will help you find the uniform/clothing and Equipment Manual it appears in, and year of availability. New from 2015 will be Hi-Res PDF downloads - restored and reorganised versions - they may take a while to load depending on the strength of your broadband, but worth the wait..!
1966-7 |
1967-8 |
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
(Last) |
Palitoy Trade Catalogue |
2004 |
Action Man Official Equipment Manuals 1966 - 1981